In the origins of Food of War, artists Omar Castaneda and Hernan Barros created a series of video/installations trying to reflect the concept that would give life to the collective. From Castaneda's conception of almond soup on his first trip to Israel and Palestine to Hernan Barros' installation referring to the version of Starbucks in Ramallah, called Star & Bucks as a response to the commercial embargo. These works are the genesis of Food of War and present the possibilities of what is to come.
In their experimental video installation "Las Gachas," Omar Castaneda interviews Justa, a survivor of the Spanish Civil War, who, while preparing a dish called Gachas, tells through the recipe the situation of her town during this period. Also included in this series is the Palestinian pizza, perhaps Food of War's first work in London, in which Castaneda baked a pizza in the shape of a gun with ingredients from the region in question.